这门课有两个Assessment, 第一个是要写一篇2000字左右的Research Report,并且在8月13日之前递交,那么要从已下几个课题中选择一个


1 Blockchains are designed for provenance of digital artifacts but can be utilised in cybersecurity. Discuss this statement and give specific examples of how cybersecurity can be enhanced by utilising blockchain technology.
2 Ransomware attacks have increased significantly in the previous 5 years. Discuss how a ransomware attack is launched, what the effect on data at an organisation is and how ransomware attacks can be at least, partially mitigated from a technical standpoint.
3 Mobile forensics has become increasingly vital as much of the communication these days is with mobile devices. Discuss and highlight from a technical standpoint the challenges faced by digital forensics investigators.
4 Logical Block Addressing (LBA) is complex but a thorough understanding is beneficial for forensic investigators. What is it? How does it work, and can it be circumvented to obtain ‘real’ physical access to binary?


Introduction: (Approx 200 words) Introduce the topic and your report.
Discussion: (Approx 1500 words) Make a clear argument or robust discussion justifying your
position on the topic supported by academic and contemporary (as far as possible) references.
Conclusion: (Approx 300 words) Make a robust conclusion based on your discussion and
viewpoint. This should not simply be a summary but should leave the reader convinced that
you have made a robust academic argument / discussion.





第二个Assessment 要在8月27日之前递交,首先要根据自己的学号来下载对应的一个数据文件,然后恢复数据,破解密码,查找到犯罪证据,最后写一篇可以呈上法庭的Court Report.


You must use Autopys in Linux and then any other 3 tools including Scalpel,
Foremost, Photorec or Sorter.





一个三天打鱼两天晒网的博主 拖延症严重患者 干啥啥不行,学啥啥不会