分布式计算的概念是一堆异步网络计算机的集合,然后这些计算机内部之间通过发送消息等进行沟通,对于外部的用户来说,这看上去就像是一台电脑。每一个任务或者说进程都是由若干台计算机来共同完成的,而不是单一一台,因此这需要某些机制来对这若干台计算机进行内部协调。inter-process communication mechanisms

• Creating and deleting both user and system processes
• Suspending 暂停 and resuming 继续 processes
• Providing mechanisms for process synchronization 同步
• Providing mechanisms for process communication 沟通
• Providing mechanisms for deadlock handling 死锁机制


– locate applications transparently across the network;
– shield software developers from low-level, tedious 无趣的 and error-prone 易出错的 platform details;
– provide a consistent set of higher-level abstractions that are much closer to application requirements;
– leverage previous developments and reuse them;
– provide services such as reliability, availability, authentication and security.
比如上节课提到的cloud模型中,middleware就处于O/S 和Runtime/data以及应用之间。

而最近的趋势则是无服务化,因此middleware和API Gateway作用差不多,这个有待确认。

然后又讲到了经典的CS架构,举了几个例子 Ajax和CS的对比,但是感觉这还是概念性的东西。

inter-process communication


所以在分布式系统和应用通过发送信息来进行沟通,高速,异步,进程对进程之间沟通。然后呢,进程之间就是一个发送,一个接受,把结构化的数据拆碎,然后可以流媒体化传输,另外一侧再重新组装。这里有两种情况,一种是进程暂停然后发送信息,这就是synchronous message;而另外一种则是进程不停止,继续运行,同时发送信息这种就是 Asynchronous message。
Synchronous forms of middleware
RPC即 remote procedure calls,

• RPC-style programming leads to tight coupling of interfaces and applications.
• In an RPC environment each application needs to know the intimate details of the interface of every other application – the number of methods it exposes & the details of each method signature it exposes.

• Asynchronous communication promotes loose coupling in which an application does not need to know the intimate details of how to reach and interface with other applications.
• Each participant in a multi-step business process flow need only be concerned with ensuring that it can send a message to the messaging system.

Asynchronous forms of middleware
Most asynchronous messaging mechanisms follow the “fire-and-forget” messaging principle where the sending application can conduct its work as usual once a message was asynchronously sent.
– The sending application assumes that the message will arrive safely at its destination at some point in time.
– This mode messaging does not preclude the necessity to perform request/reply operations.

Publish/Subscribe Messaging
The application that produces information publishes it and all other applications that need this type of information, subscribe to it.
– Messages containing the new information are placed in a queue for each subscriber by the publishing application.
– Each application may have a dual role: it may act as a publisher or subscriber of different types of information.

Event-driven processing mechanisms
The asynchrony, heterogeneity, & inherent loose coupling that characterize modern applications in a wide-area network requires event notification mechanisms.
• Event notification offers a many-to-many communication and integration facility. Clients in an event-notification scheme are of two kinds:
– objects of interest, which are the producers of notifications, &
– interested parties, which are the consumers of notifications.
• A client can act as both an object of interest and an interested party. An event notification service typically realizes the publish/subscribe asynchronous messaging scheme.
Message Oriented Middleware
• MOM is an infrastructure that involves the passing of data between applications using a common communication channel that carries self-contained messages.
• Messages are sent and received asynchronously.
• The messaging system (integration broker) is responsible for managing the connection points between clients & for managing multiple channels of communication between the connection points.

• MOM provides the following functions:
– event-driven processing, i.e., the publish/subscribe model.
– reliability and serialization of messages.
– subject-based (textual) names and attributes to abstract from physical names and addresses.
– multiple communications protocols, e.g., store & forward, request/reply, publish/subscribe.
• An integration broker is an application-to-application middleware service capable of one-to-many, many-to-one & many-to-many message distribution.
– It records & manages the contracts between publishers & subscribers of messages.
• An integration brokers provides the following functions:
– message transformation, business rules processing, routing services, naming services, adapter services, repository services, events & alerts.
Enterprise application & e-Business integration